Apex Health Services
Frequently Asked Questions

Why Suboxone?
Suboxone works to reduce the strong cravings of addiction to opiates while also reducing the discomforts of withdrawal symptoms.
Am I substituting one addiction for another?
Suboxone occupies the receptors in the brain that would otherwise be occupied by an addictive drug (such as heroin or prescription pain killers). However, when taking Suboxone as treatment for an opiate addiction, you will not get high. A person using Suboxone is able to function normally.
If you are addicted to an opiate, sudden discontinuation of the drug can cause serious withdrawal symptoms. Suboxone is used to make it easier to handle those withdrawal symptoms.

How often do I have to visit the office?
All Suboxone patients are required to be seen by the doctor at a minimum of once a month.

Is Suboxone safe during pregnancy?
There is not enough evidence to prove that it is safe during pregnancy. Subutex is an alternative which we also prescribe for this reason.

What are the side effects?
The most often reported side effects are nausea, vomiting, and constipation in varying degrees.
Suboxone withdrawal symptoms, though less severe than withdrawal from addiction to opiates, are similar to those associated with all opiates: muscle aches and cramps, sweating, runny nose, diarrhea and stomach cramps, low fever and chills, irritability, and an inability to sleep or eat.

Can Suboxone be abused?
Suboxone contains Naloxone which blocks the euphoric effects of typical opiates, so it is not a drug that is commonly abused.
